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Beary Christmas

by Troid at 2:27 AM


Yurika’s Campus Life Chapter 22

I can’t apologize enough for the glacial pace of new chapter releases. But I’m afraid I can’t do much about it — we need staff, particularly a dedicated translator or two, maybe an extra proofreader. By dedicated, I mean willing and able to give a quick turnaround each time a new chapter comes their way in the pipeline — that’s the only way we can release quickly. Please see the contact page if you’re interested in helping out.

Hope you enjoy the holidays and have a happy new year.


The Fearless Gigolette

by Troid at 2:03 PM


Yurika’s Campus Life Chapter 21

Yurika begins her journey to take down the final boss of the arc. Chapter 22 is already in the works and should arrive soon.


Lesbians on Motorcycles End

by Troid at 10:01 PM


Madoka and Mei’s Secret Workshop Chapter 5

I mistakenly announced this after chapter 3, but this chapter is the last of MadoMei because the anthology in which it ran, Comic Lily, was cancelled. Alas, we will never see the continuing misadventures of the psycho little sister.


Grope Your Friends

by Troid at 11:23 AM


Bountiful Boobs!

Today’s release is a oneshot that will educate you about the importance of girls groping other girls.

TL note: the literal meaning of the title is somewhere between “A Handful of Boobs” and “Boobs Are a Handful.”


Crazy Little Sister Spin-off When?

by Troid at 6:43 PM


Madoka and Mei’s Secret Workshop Chapter 4

Here’s the first of the last two chapters of Madoka & Mei.

Two YuriCam chapters are in the works!


Chinese Takeout

by Troid at 11:46 AM


Yurika’s Campus Life Chapter 20

This week Yurika tackles her latest challenge with the flair we’ve come to expect from our gigolette. Meanwhile, we tackle the challenge of keeping up and improving upon this release schedule!


Yurika Returns

by Troid at 12:23 PM


Yurika’s Campus Life Chapter 19

Finally we begin volume 3 of Yurika’s misadventures! We’re doing our best to step up the release schedule, and we’ll have more chapters for you soon.

Edit: If you downloaded the chapter within the first few minutes it was up, please re-download it. There were some wonky text issues that needed to be fixed on a couple pages.


Madoka & Mei Double Release

by Troid at 6:37 PM


Madoka and Mei's Secret Workshop Chapter 2
Madoka and Mei's Secret Workshop Chapter 3

These two chapters sadly conclude Madoka and Mei, due to the Comic Lily anthology it ran in ultimately being canceled. Two more chapters left!

In other news, things are moving on YuriCam volume 3 as well as (finally!) the last chapter of Scape-God. Thanks go to our usual YuriCam translator as always, as well as a new translator who knocked out these Madoka and Mei chapters and then the text-heavy Scape-God.

We’re always looking for dedicated staff for various projects. If you want to help with translation, editing, or quality checking, please see the contact page.


It’s a Bug, Not a Feature

by Troid at 10:55 PM

Yurika’s Campus Life Chapter 18 V2

After its long stay in limbo, this chapter was accidentally released with an older version of the script containing certain accented dialogue. That dialogue has been, er, corrected. Please find the updated chapter download above.


YuriCam Nyaa

by Troid at 11:48 AM


Yurika’s Campus Life Chapter 18

This chapter concludes volume 2 of YuriCam! Look forward to volume 3 chapters coming soon.

Edit: See this post for V2.
