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Rapid-fire Fu-fu

by Troid Wednesday, December 11th 2013 at 4:46 PM


Wife and Wife Chapter 17

Two days between releases? Not bad, if I do say so myself. I still can’t believe there’s only one chapter left!

6 Responses to “Rapid-fire Fu-fu”

  1. PROzess says:

    Thank you!
    Last one tmw I hope^^

  2. phat says:

    I appreciate all of the hard work you guys are doing. Keep up the excellent work! I’m so sad this has only one chapter left, something like this can go on forever.

  3. svines85 says:

    Cool, thanks a lot!!

  4. Squall_Sky says:

    Sweet Jebus!,your rapid releases of fluffy yuri just gave me a happy diabeetus :D

  5. Tsubomi says:

    Man, you’re doing a great job. Keep it up and finish this cutest yuri series. I wish if this has continued forever. And this is one of those which can but yuri is really underrated.

  6. colonywars says:

    Thank You:)

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