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Yurika Returns

by Troid at 12:23 PM


Yurika’s Campus Life Chapter 19

Finally we begin volume 3 of Yurika’s misadventures! We’re doing our best to step up the release schedule, and we’ll have more chapters for you soon.

Edit: If you downloaded the chapter within the first few minutes it was up, please re-download it. There were some wonky text issues that needed to be fixed on a couple pages.


Now Loading

by Troid at 12:56 AM


Since people are understandably wondering if we’ve died, I’m making this blog post to provide some evidence to the contrary. More importantly, the next chapter of YuriCam is under construction and will arrive soon. We’re going to finish the series no matter what, and hopefully while we’re all still young.

Thank you for your patience!

Addendum: If you are an interested editor/typesetter or quality checker who wants to help grease the wheels of YuriCam releases, please contact us!

Edit: Check out the new status page.
