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Safe for Work

I was told there would be Yuricam?

by Weetzy at 11:00 PM

Yuricam-2-043Yurika’s Campus Life Chapter 12

We’re all out of cake, but we do have another chapter of Yuricam for you! It’s just as tasty but it’ll leave you happy longer. Oh, and there’s plenty to go around, so you don’t have to share, unless you want to.


Dream on! More Yuricam for your entertainment.

by Weetzy at 7:51 PM

Yuricam-2-023Yurika’s Campus Life Chapter 11

What crazy shenanigans are going on in this chapter? Is Yurika actually going to give up her gigolette ways? It’s the start of a brand new arc with lots of new characters.

We are still looking for a translator for the final chapter of Scape God, and for our new series, Madoka and Mei’s Secret Workshop. If you’re interested in translating for us, contact Troid.


New Series!

by Troid at 4:27 PM


Madoka and Mei’s Secret Workshop Chapter 1

 We’re pleased to bring you the first chapter of a new series, Madoka and Mei’s Secret Workshop! If you like the chapter and think you might be interested in helping us work on the series, get in touch. We need a translator for Madoka and Mei, and we are also in need of a translator to do the 7th and final chapter of Scape-God so we can finish that series.
